Meet the characters
Neigh, moo, woof, hee-haw.
6 years old
Southwest of Western Australia
Going on walks, relaxing under the shady tree, helping out around the farm doing odd jobs, grazing
16 years old
Southwest of Western Australia
Eating, walking up and down hills slowly for exercise, play with bouncy ball, hang out with other donkey friends
4 years old
Southwest of Western Australia
Resting and chewing grass, playing chasey, eating treats, getting brushed, itching on trees, testing electric fences
Fences that keep me out of newly grassed areas
7 years old
Southwest of Western Australia
Sleeping in the shade, helping to herd the cattle and sheep, playing with my tennis ball, swimming in the dam
8 years old
The Pacific Northwest
Socialising with friends, hiking in the forest, eating hay, getting brushed, going for adventure trail rides
3 years old
The Pacific Northwest
Napping, looking for snacks, going for runs, playing fetch, solving puzzles
4 years old
The Pacific Northwest
Getting scratches and belly rubs, playing tug-of-war and fetch, rolling in stinky things then having baths
8, 16, 11 years old
The Pacific Northwest
Eating hay, rolling in the dirt, socialising, napping, going for fun road trips to new places, swimming in the river, going for a good run on the trails
Running out of hay, the chickens eating our breakfasts, getting rained on endlessly
1-14 days old
The Pacific Northwest
Collecting nectar, visiting flowers, pollinating flowers
Not enough hours in the day to visit all the flowers
2, 3 and 3.5 years old
The Pacific Northwest
Running, grazing, jumping high, eating shrubs and nibbling bark, playing hide-and-seek in the forest